A better question starter.
How do you typically start questions when you’re in conversation with others? If you’re like most of us, we often start questions with “why…”
Excellence, or Perfectionism?
Hi there, high-achiever! Question: are you striving for excellence or driven by perfectionism? (And do you know the difference?)
Gender Equity in the Performing Arts
Gender equity remains elusive in all corners of our society. The classical music industry is no exception.
Your Tenure Team & Talking Tenure
I work with a select number of orchestral musicians to help them prepare for and navigate the often treacherous, sometimes terrifying, all-important tenure process . . . and to come out on the other side thriving.
Boxes are for Gifts … Not People
It’s tempting to pack ourselves — and others — into neat and tidy boxes. Especially in a year defined by uncertainty and disruption, this kind of simple clarity can be comforting.
A Well-Designed Garden
My friend has a glorious garden, carefully designed to honor the cycles of the seasons.