Good Change (and Grief)

Have you ever felt out of sorts while experiencing a major success?

Or wondered why there's a tinge of sadness as you embark on an exciting new chapter in your career or life? I have. And if you're like me, that tug at our heart can catch us by surprise. ❤️‍🩹

It's easy to forget that change for the better — welcome change — often requires a grieving process.

As we grow and evolve we develop new parts of ourselves.

And we also leave pieces of our identities behind.

It can be important to honor and mourn those parts of you that you are letting go. Remember: those parts and patterns often served you well in the past ... just not anymore.

Think of it this way: rather than trying to cram your fabulous new coat into your over-stuffed closet, take a moment to find that worn-out coat you used to love, but which no longer fits. Thank it for keeping you warm for all those years … and then find it a new home.

It can feel good — even healing — to honor the old while making room in our “closet” for the new. It helps us grow and move forward with a sense of wholeness.

I wonder … in times of positive change, do you give yourself the chance to acknowledge — and possibly grieve — that which you are choosing to leave behind?

And if you don't, could this be holding you back from even more positive change?




I didn’t feel good about this. At all.